Saturday, March 20, 2010

I hate writing a long post
and blip its gone.

so there, I had a long one, and it disappeared.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


just had to post this one again. sorry for the repeats.

Very often life gets in the way, or time heals and we tend to not remember the horror that went on during the time.

This is pics from 911 I was sent in the email. it is a powerpoint/ you need internet and powerpoint. 9-11-2001.

also. dont forget Oklahoma bombing. It was 4-19-1995.

I have not made it to new york, but I did make it to oklahoma.

I have a family member that was almost caught in that mess, he usually goes to the library across the street, however, that morning his cat was sick, so he just dropped off the books and went home. It happened shortly after he left the area, but before he got home.

Cass and I went on a vacation, and stopped there. The media was everywhere. Apparently they were waiting for the sentencing to be announced for one of the two suspects, I dont remember now. What I remember was pretty bad. A older person, probably someone's grandma or wife, was still torn up and was not able to walk to the site from the parking area, it was still too raw, 2 years later. The memorial had not been built yet, still a chain link fence. I took some pictures that are put awaysomewhere. I turned my back to the chainlink fence and took pictures of the building that was across the street. The whole face of the building was gone. It looked like boxes of rooms. no outter wall. You could see the twisted metal from the frame of the building. Suffice to say, between the lady that was still horror stricken and could not make it to the site, to the media that was all over the place, not letting people have their space at all, and the building across the street that was still partially standing, you could feel what had happened there, could feel the spirits looking for peace.

It is something I will never forget.

As for NY...I know where I was at the time. Work. We have vendors and customers there. I remember calling one of them, to see if she was ok. She told me, she worked down the street from the twin towers. Was not able to get ahold of her child or the daycare, and their building was in lockdown. She was not able to leave. I can only imagine being in that situation.

A friend of mine's brother worked at the pentagon. apparently the plane there, stopped on the other side of the wall of his office. Amazing stories one never forgets.



Monday, July 6, 2009

More about me.


another darn questionaire.

Your ex calls you, what do you say?
depends on which ex. Some good some bad.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

Want someone back in your life?
yes and no

What are you excited for?
new job next week.

Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you?

Do you find it hard to trust others?

My instincts are pretty good.

I bet you miss somebody right now?
what is the bet? Make it worth it.

Can you honestly say you're okay right now?
I am better than some, not as good as I dreamed I would be.

Why do you think so many people cheat?
they are unhappy and think it is a temp fix

Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
yep…shoes. They are wider and deeper more comfy.

When did you last talk to your number 1?
1 minute ago.

Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
most anything.

Has anyone walked out of your life in the past two weeks?
no…but maybe a couple of them should.

What were you doing at 4am?
checking my watch wondering what freaking time it was.

Are you a jealous person?
no…not unless someone got a promotion I deserved through hard work.

Do you feel comfortable with answering personal questions?
no…I am pretty much a open book to a lot of people. (They may not wish it though.)

Would you go in public looking like you look now?
just came from the store…so I would guess so. It is what I wore to work.

Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
if they work at it.

What's something you really want right now?
all bills paid, to lose lot of weight and a house on the seabrook coast.

Are you going on vacation this coming summer?
in the back yard, being eaten by mosquito’s.

Have you ever kissed a complete stranger?
no…but some I have kissed were quite strange.

Does your last ex miss you?
doubt it.

Are you slowly drifting away from someone?
no…but she is growing up and spreading her wings.

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
depends on the circumstances. I can be judgemental.

Have you ever been heartbroken?
a couple of times, maybe disappointed is more like it.

Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in?

Do you have a best friend?
not sure. I have some partial close friend…not sure on a best friend.

Do you hate anyone?
no…but there are some that I think need a knife thrown back at them…but I wont throw it at their back like they did me.

Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?

If you married the last person you texted, what would your last name be?
Livingston…but that would be against the law.

What would happen if you had a kid with the last person you kissed?
we would make the national inquirer then die from shock.

Last thing someone bought for you?
if groceries count…then groceries…if not…then Mary Balogh’s new hard cover book.

Are you any different now than you were a year ago?
Yes…extremely so. Will be different again next year too.

Does anyone know your passwords other than you?

Did you have a good day yesterday?
yes, no, frustrating.

Have you ever slept in the same bed with anyone on your top friends?

Who's the last person you went out to eat with?
myself? If not..then Rob.

Will this next weekend be a good one?
Maybe. It is the beginning of major change in my life.

Who can always cheer you up?
not who…what…music…I work through issues with music.

What is your relationship status?

What would you name your future son?
Luke Allen…..I am from Texas ya know.
Girl….Katherine Marie…(Katie)

How often do you drive?

Do you like someone?
I like lots of folks.

What should you be doing right now?
going to bed early.

Have you ever gone out with a football player?
sure…in high school…I don’t know that we went out…we went “together” ooohhh ahhhhh.

Ever receive a really long apology?
yes,,,,with tears and sniffles included.

Are you mad at the last person who called you?
no…give me some time.

Are you afraid to answer sexual questions?
no…not really. No...You should be afraid of the answers...Trust me. WB

Expecting something to change in the next month?

Ready for winter to come?
sure…I like 80 degree weather.

Were you an honor roll student in school?
no…I rebel’ed against my mom. I made a point of making c’s except the last year then straight a’s. She was valedictorian in high school and college.

Besides sleeping, what else do you do in your room?
read…and well…other things….wink wink.

How do you make your money?
by bugging others for theirs. Pushing policy.

What do you have planned for tonight?
well…3 hours ago…it was go to the store, buy some stuff, take it to sandy…visit sandy…come home…eat…surf…play with the dog…hug the hubby and go to bed. Questionnaire was not on the horizon.

Today did you kiss a person you have feelings for?
did not kiss…did hug though.

If you could have anything right now, what would it be?
more wishes that would come true.

How ticklish are you?

Do you care if people hate you for no reason?
I am concerned….but ya know..that is their issue.

What are you doing right now?
typing the answer to this question.

Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

Do you know any mechanical stuff about cars?

Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?

Have you ever cried while in the shower?

Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night?

How's the weather today?
hot humid, sunny.

What's the greatest thing that happened to you today?
I completed some of my transfer stuff today and got answers from my manager before I left and she left. Tomorrow is the last day I will see her as my manager.

What's on your bedroom floor right now?
clothes, books, shoes, dog bones.

What are you going to do this weekend?
not sure. Invited to a Tupperware party.

Where did you sleep last night?

Currently reading:Touch Me With FireBy Nicole JordanRelease date: 2006-11-28

Saturday, February 28, 2009

history book lovers.....

CRY!!!!! or Drool!
I found at a local thrift store.....History of the American Nation, Jackman, vol 1-3, 6-9. You would not believe the freaking We are looking for vol 4 and 5 same year.

What is weird is that there are a few marked, copyright 1911, reprint 1915, a few marked copyright 1911 updated and reprinted in 1920, and then one that just has copyright 1920, different type in the copyright section.

It also has Theodore Roosevelt and Grover Cleveland as part of the authors on this too.

So I guess that means of this 1 set, we have 3 different printings of them.

your thoughts?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Interesting reading.

Here is a blog about a blog.

Here is my sparkpeople blog...
I went to the doctor yesterday because I was sick. He renewed my phentermine...which seems to help. He had me keep a food diary, which I keep most days. He said the point he wants to make is to look for a pattern in my eating. He said...for example...he likes to eat double stuff oreo's at 930 every night. so to break the habit...he said...he would need to eat something smaller/healthier--say a handful of walnuts at 9pm...then he would not crave the oreo's at 930. I found this an interesting concept. So now...I need to go back over my food journal...and see if there is a pattern. He said...we may not think we can change things or change a pattern....but he said it is there.

I think this guy is rather smart and has rather studied the obesity/weight loss things out there. A couple years ago...he went to a symposium on obesity. He said...they showed some slides/presentation...and compared...that people who have an issue with weight, when they have favorite item in front of them.......their brain pictures (I am guessing cat scans, etc) look the same as an alcoholic when they drink alcohol. I find that interesting. I have been in al-anon for a while and listen to AA speaker tapes etc help with my recovery. If Alcoholics process alcohol in their bodies differently than non-alcoholic folks....I am thinking that the folks that have trouble "stopping eating" or other weight problems.....may also process food differently than those that do not have as bad a food/weight problem.

Very interesting.

Inside and outside influences, many of which we do not have the ability to control...and yet...some we do.

Happy New Year...Ya'll~Food for thought....probably safer than a cheeseburger.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Holidaze and Diverzity...a bit of Humaarrr!

With the CHRISTMAS season upon us, it is also a time to reflect and perhaps take heart in being TOLERANT of others wishes, religions, etc etc.

Personally I celebrate Christmas. Both the religious and retail side of it. I have friends who celebrate Hanukkah, co-workers that celebrate both and Ramadan. I believe I have coworkers who celebrate none of the above.

I am sure with the wide variety of folks on Myspace, friends and non-friends they would celebrate way outside of the realm already mentioned.

It was at this point, during the HOLIDAY season...that I found I must have the ultimate in Diversity Christmas/Holiday cards. The closest I found was in Walmart.

One side of the card: Merry, Happy, Felicitous, Pleasant, Mediocre, Cheap, Survivable, Red and Green, Religious, Debauched, Fantastic...(Choose one)...then the other side of the card.....Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Solstice, Ramadan, Chrismukkah, Vacation, Season, New Year, Hangover....

So chose one from one side and chose another from the other...and have a......(Choice 1) (Choice 2)...and on the inside...All the best to you and yours.

Have a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest and Brightest of New Years from my Family to yours.May whatever celebration your family choses, may it be the best possible that is possible with the choices that are available to you.

Cherrie and Family.(including: Maddie, Scamp and Daisy the turtle whose real name is Cindy.)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hi Folks.
I spoke to my doctor about my weight 10/22 among other things. Yearly update and all. So he gave me something to jump start it. Adipex-p. He also had me do a treadmill echo test and a bunch of blood tests.
I was really fearing the stress test, as my dad had his first heart attack at 36, when I was 6. He was in the hospital for over 6 months then. Since then, before he died, had numerous heart attacks, was the 2nd person to have the ballon angioplasty. (funny side note--my manager knows the first.) Anyway...he passed in 2001. He had numerous heart attacks, to the point that he was not even telling my mom or going to the doctor about them. He had a stroke, and then a few months later, triple by-pass. Due to hospital negligence...he died in march 2001.
So the family history is there. My mom's side has I dont smoke or drink. Dont need a pretty good chance through my family history..why add to the pot.
So...the tests came back at my check up today.
a-I have officially at the doctor lost 15 lbs. (18 lbs at home).
b-I might be low on iron, but basically all blood tests are good.
c-my stress tests were just boring to look at, per the doctor. (that is a good thing.).
and the most promising thing took him about 10 minutes to realize I really lost that amount of put the two amounts together and come up with the difference....and he was very pleased. my next step...set up program. It takes 21 days to form a habit. This is where I need your help. Please help me to make time to exercize and keep my food log.
For those wanting to lose weight...I would say....start with some adipex-p. 27.42 no insurance, but prescription required. It gave me energy and took away the feeling that I needed to eat 3 servings of food. the first few days...I was restless in my be warned.
so now I am logging my food intake and exercise at It is free. It will give you calories eaten, putting in your activities gives you the calories used up, and a nutrition count and how it compares to the recommended daily allowance, etc. So today...I had 1352 calories. Can you believe that. I probably maxed out at 3000 easy before.
so...if you are serious...try the and be honest. It is password log in, so know one will be watching it, unless you make it public.
so...I guess..pretty good health and getting healthier.

(And...I had no problem passing up 2 chocolate cakes and 1 birthday cake at work yesterday.!!!)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Really Interesting on the date of this article...WOW

I find it interesting, the date on this article is 060408.

June 04, 2008
McCain Should Pick Sarah Palin for VPBy Jack Kelly

Who? When?

Republicans including, I imagine, Sen. McCain himself are asking these questions about his selection of a vice presidential candidate.

Ideally, a presidential candidate wants a running mate who will help him or her win the election, and (maybe) to govern afterwards. But most will settle for a veep who isn't a drag on the ticket, as Dan Quayle was for the first President Bush.

Traditionally, a presidential nominee has chosen a running mate to balance the ticket geographically, or to appease a faction of the party. The most successful example of this was when John F. Kennedy picked Lyndon Johnson, though neither liked the other, and LBJ joined the ticket only because he thought Kennedy would lose.

Bill Clinton broke with this tradition when he chose another young (purported) moderate from a neighboring southern state. By picking Al Gore, he hoped to reinforce his campaign theme of generational change.

Which way will Sen. McCain go? The potential running mates most often discussed have downsides nearly as great as their upsides. Gov. Tim Pawlenty helps only in Minnesota, and not enough, according to current polls, to make a difference there. Sen. McCain's friend Sen. Joe Lieberman would bring in some moderate Democrats, but could further antagonize
conservatives already suspicious of Sen. McCain. Gov. Romney would have little appeal to working class whites unhappy with Sen. Obama, and evangelicals fret about that Mormon thing. A Huckabee nomination would irritate economic and foreign policy conservatives as much as it would please evangelicals.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is a rising star. But he's only 36, and he's been governor for less than a year.There is one potential running mate who has virtually no down side. Those conservatives who've heard of her were delighted to learn that McCain advance man Arthur Culvahouse was in Alaska recently, because they surmised he could only be there to discuss the vice presidential nomination with Gov. Sarah Palin.

At 44, Sarah Louise Heath Palin is both the youngest and the first female governor in Alaska's relatively brief history as a state. She's also the most popular governor in America, with an approval rating that has bounced around 90 percent.

This is due partly to her personal qualities. When she was leading her underdog Wasilla high school basketball team to the state championship in 1982, her teammates called her "Sarah Barracuda" because of her fierce competitiveness.

Two years later, when she won the "Miss Wasilla" beauty pageant, she was also voted "Miss
Congeniality" by the other contestants.

Sarah Barracuda. Miss Congeniality. Fire and nice. A happily married mother of five who is still drop dead gorgeous. And smart to boot.

But it's mostly because she's been a crackerjack governor, a strong fiscal conservative and a ferocious fighter of corruption, especially in her own party.

Ms. Palin touches other conservative bases, some of which Sen. McCain has been accused of
rounding. Track, her eldest son, enlisted in the Army last Sept. 11. She's a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association who hunts, fishes and runs marathons. A regular churchgoer, she's staunchly pro-life.

Kimberley Strassel of the Wall Street Journal said Sen. McCain should run against a corrupt, do-nothing Congress, a la Harry Truman. If he should choose to do so, Gov. Palin would make an excellent partner "The landscape is littered with the bodies of those who have crossed Sarah," pollster Dave Dittman told the Weekly Standard's Fred Barnes.

Sen. Barack Obama's support has plunged recently among white women. Many Hillary Clinton supporters accuse him -- I think unfairly -- of being sexist. Having Sarah Palin on the ticket could help Sen. McCain appeal to these disgruntled Democrats.

Running mates usually aren't named until the convention. But if Sen. McCain should name Gov. Palin earlier, it would give America more time to get to know this extraordinary woman. And because she's at least a dozen feature stories waiting to be written, she could help him dominate the news between now and the conventions.

Another reason for selecting Sarah Palin early would be to force Barack Obama to make a mistake. He'd have to rule out choosing someone like Virginia Sen. Jim Webb as his running mate, for fear of exacerbating charges of sexism. And if he chose a woman other than Hillary, the impression Democrats are wimpy would be intensified.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I wanted to wave hi to everyone!
I wanted to let you know...size 4 leather pants. Wilson's leather, look brand new. give me a ring if you want them. price negotiable

I sell Avon , (independent sales rep) if you want to order....let me know it goes in on every other saturday, starting with 08/ can order online and we can deliver too....
Here is our website...

Delivery in the local DFW area and we can most likely find a way to get it delivered if you are in a different area. You can order online and we can deliver, make sure you register and mark Cassandr livingston as your avon representative.

We are going to an Avon expo tomorrow to see the new stuff coming out for is going to be exciting!



Wednesday, March 19, 2008

President who? this is nothing new...well it may be for some. I heard about it on the radio one day and they went through some of it, but not all of it. Pretty F)*)*% amazing if it even has 10% truth to it.

So...who to vote for....

Clinton and their body count? (

McCain taking away freedom of speech (You cannot say something like, I like this person for president because...... --within so many days from an election.) it is against teh law....

Obama...well...not sure on his religious affiliations and upbringing. I think that he can be a dangerous one also.

So...again...yes I will deny it all...but folks, take a closer look, not just a scratch on the lottery ticket look, really delve into it and make an educated guess....not what some news show tells you who to vote for.

AND YES.....NOT VOTING...IS VOTING....You are accepting the popular vote as your own and have no right to BITCH about the outcome.

Ok...going to see about putting up dinner and maybe get some icecream...I think I need to calm down